Theft Crimes

Ohio Criminal Defense

Theft Crimes

What Are “Theft Crimes”?

What Should I Consider When Hiring A Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Call The Criminal Defense Lawyers At Ohio Defense Firm Today

When you or a loved one have been charged with a theft crime, there are special things to consider before you hire a lawyer. Often, the results at trial depend upon very specific facts. The penalties if you are found guilty are serious and long-term. You need a lawyer who will listen to your side of the story, talk to all of the witnesses, and vigorously defend you in court.

The attorneys at Ohio Defense Firm have successfully defended hundreds of clients against charges of robbery, burglary and other theft crimes. We are aggressive advocates for our clients, requiring the State to prove each part of its case beyond a reasonable doubt.

“Theft Crimes” are crimes that usually involve some kind of “taking” or deception. Common theft crimes in Ohio include:

  • Robbery, Aggravated Robbery
  • Burglary, Aggravated Burglary
  • Breaking and Entering
  • Criminal Trespass, Aggravated Trespass
  • Safecracking
  • Theft
  • Forgery
  • Fraud
  • Receiving Stolen Property

The same actions may violate both State and Federal laws. Usually, Federal law has been violated if the activity took place across state borders or in more than one state, if it involved the use of the internet or other long-distance communication, or if it took place on federal land. When any of these are true, charges may be filed in Federal court. Some crimes are only charged in Federal court.  Common Federal charges for theft crimes include:

  • Motor Vehicle Theft
  • Bank Robbery
  • Transportation of Stolen Goods
  • Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods
  • Chop Shops

Theft crimes not only carry hefty penalties, including jail time, they also usually involve restitution, which is an order to pay back the amount that was lost or taken. Being convicted of a theft crime can affect your professional license (nursing, teaching, commercial driver, etc.), as well as your employment.

It is essential to hire a criminal defense lawyer with experience defending theft charges, who understands both the law and the evidence. You need someone who will work hard to contact and interview witnesses and pull together all of the evidence needed to defend you.

Being charged with a theft crime is serious: it can affect your future employment, your family life, your finances, and your freedom.

The court process moves quickly, and the sooner you have a criminal defense lawyer working for you, the more likely you will have a good result.

Call us today: (330) 253-0785.

Our offices are located in downtown Akron, at 121 S. Main St., Ste. 520. We serve clients in courts throughout Northeast Ohio, including Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Youngstown, and the surrounding areas.