Misdemeanor Offenses

Ohio Criminal Defense

Misdemeanor Offenses

What Kinds Of Crimes Are Misdemeanors?

Why Do I Need An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer For A Misdemeanor?

Call The Criminal Defense Lawyers At Ohio Defense Firm Today

Crimes are classified as either misdemeanors or felonies in Ohio. A felony is a serious crime, with severe penalties. A misdemeanor is generally a less serious crime, with less severe (but still burdensome) penalties. Both misdemeanor and felony convictions become part of your permanent record.

If you are facing a misdemeanor charge, it is important to hire an experienced, aggressive lawyer to represent you. The attorneys at Ohio Defense Firm have successfully defended hundreds of adult and juvenile clients. We work closely with our clients, explaining the process to them, listening to their side of the story, and getting the best results possible.

1st Degree: Petty Theft Driving Under Suspension Assault
2nd Degree: Obstructing Official Business Criminal Damaging Drug Possession
3rd Degree: Criminal Mischief Unlawful Restraint Misconduct Involving Public Transportation System
4th Degree: Failure to Disperse Menacing Hazing
5th Degree: Disorderly Conduct Unlawful Display of Law Enforcement Emblem Various Traffic Offenses
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1st Degree:

Petty Theft

Driving Under Suspension


2nd Degree:

 Obstructing Official Business

 Criminal Damaging

Drug Possession

3rd Degree:

 Criminal Mischief

 Unlawful Restraint

 Misconduct Involving Public Transportation System

4th Degree:

 Failure to Disperse



5th Degree:

 Disorderly Conduct

 Unlawful Display of Law Enforcement Emblem

Various Traffic Offenses

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1st Degree:

Petty Theft

Driving Under Suspension


2nd Degree:

Obstructing Official Business

Criminal Damaging

Drug Possession

3rd Degree:

Criminal Mischief

Unlawful Restraint

Misconduct Involving Public Transportation System

4th Degree:

Failure to Disperse



5th Degree:

Disorderly Conduct

Unlawful Display of Law Enforcement Emblem

Various Traffic Offenses

Ohio law classifies misdemeanors by “degree.” The most serious are First Degree Misdemeanors. The least serious are Minor Misdemeanors. Examples of common misdemeanor charges in Ohio include:

Being charged with a misdemeanor crime affects your whole life. Conviction results in a permanent criminal record that can follow you throughout your lifetime, impacting your employment, your credit, and even your insurance rates.

Penalties if you are convicted of a misdemeanor may include:

  • Jail time up to 180 days
  • Fines up to $1,000
  • Restitution
  • Community Service
  • Probation

You can reduce or even avoid the most serious of these penalties by hiring a skilled, experienced defense lawyer to assist you. At Ohio Defense Firm, we will work to get the charges against you dismissed entirely, if possible. We will negotiate a reduction in the charges, if that is the best option. We will aggressively defend you in court, if necessary.

Being charged with a misdemeanor crime is a serious matter: it can affect your future employment, your family life, your finances, and your freedom.

The court process moves quickly, and the sooner you have a criminal defense lawyer working for you, the more likely you will have a good result.

Call us today: (330) 253-0785.

Our offices are located in downtown Akron, at 121 S. Main St., Ste. 520. We serve clients in courts throughout Northeast Ohio, including Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Youngstown, and the surrounding areas.