Internet Crimes

Ohio Criminal Defense

Ohio Criminal Defense: Internet Crimes

What Court Will My Case Be In?

Are Internet Crimes Misdemeanors Or Felonies?

Why Do I Need An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer To Defend Me?

Call The Criminal Defense Lawyers At Ohio Defense Firm Today

“Internet Crime” is an umbrella term that describes violations of a many of different Ohio and Federal laws, including:

  • telecommunications fraud
  • unauthorized use of property (“hacking”)
  • illegally transmitting multiple electronic mail messages (“spamming”)
  • identity fraud
  • tampering with records
  • child pornography

The factual issues and evidence in internet crime cases are very complex, so if you are facing a charge for one or more internet crimes, it is especially important to hire an experienced, aggressive lawyer to represent you. The attorneys at Ohio Defense Firm have successfully defended many clients charged with internet crimes. We work hard to get the best results possible for our clients.

Depending on the facts of the case, the same actions might violate both State and Federal laws. Usually a case will be filed in Federal court if the activity took place across state borders or in more than one state, if it involved the use of the internet or other long-distance communication, or if it took place on federal land. Certain crimes are only charged in the Federal court system or only in the State court system. Charges brought in Federal court are usually more serious and the sentencing is harsh, so the stakes are even higher for you.

Internet crimes may be classified as either misdemeanors or felonies. A felony is more serious, with severe penalties. A misdemeanor is generally less serious, with less severe (but still burdensome) penalties. Both misdemeanor and felony convictions become part of your permanent record.

Depending upon the facts and circumstances, such as the number of victims and the amount of money involved, the charges and the penalties for internet crimes can vary quite a lot, from a first-degree Misdemeanor all the way to a second-degree Felony.

Internet crime cases are complicated. The evidence is very technical. Even though both the State courts and Federal court handle these cases, the systems are quite different. Federal prosecutors are usually better prepared than county prosecutors, with more evidence to prove their cases. Federal law includes required minimum sentences, which are especially harsh, and not negotiable. Some Federal laws include forfeiture provisions, which means that the government can seize your property if you are convicted. Federal prisoners are often sent to prisons out of state, which makes visitation and communication with friends and family difficult.

If you are facing criminal charges for internet crimes in either State or Federal court, it is especially important to hire an aggressive, experienced attorney to help guide you through the process, to negotiate a possible plea bargain and to look for opportunities to reduce or even dismiss the charges against you.

Being charged with one or more internet crimes is a serious matter: it can affect your future employment, your family life, your finances, and your freedom.

The court process moves quickly, and the sooner you have a criminal defense lawyer working for you, the more likely you will have a good result.

Call us today: 330.253.0785

Our offices are located in downtown Akron, at 121 S. Main St., Ste. 520. We serve clients in courts throughout Northeast Ohio, including Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Youngstown, and the surrounding areas.